I will have to say making a career change is full of all kinds of challenges. There is fear and apprehension about leaving a job that pays the bills. The doubt about what you can do other than what you are currently doing. In additional to all of the internal conflict going on, the job boards are thin and the unemployment numbers high. That’s a lot keeping you stuck – at least it was for me.

Getting through that muck was a long slog, but just when I got to a place where I knew I needed to jump from my current job, I ran into the next wall. I thought I knew what I was doing in the search for something new.
Career search and career change is actually a talent and a skill that many of us don’t have. And why would we. We’ve been busy working! We fall into this belief that because we are good at our jobs, we will automatically be good at attracting the next opportunity – and that just isn’t so. Putting together a career is much like putting together IKEA furniture – it goes a lot easier when you have the right tools and the instruction booklet.
Here are the TOOLS I have for a successful career change, launching you into a kickass career.
Take Pause
Yes, I said PAUSE! Jumping into the search before you have had an opportunity to look at why you are jumping lands you in a whole heap of – “same shit, different pile” trouble. Ask yourself – “What do I want to leave behind?” and “What do I want more of in my life?” The answers put you at the starting line of the right race.
Open to Opportunities
Before you hit the job boards looking for the next best thing, start talking to people – any and every one who will listen – about what you want and how excited you are to be looking for something different. Activating your network will provide you with more opportunities than any job board. In fact, over 85% of people job hunting will find their next opportunities from their network. So start talking!
Optimize Your Efforts
Stop half-assing it! If you are serious about finding something new, it will take effort – lots of effort. The more organized, focused, and dedicated you are to your search, the better results you will get. When you are looking for a kickass career, put in a kickass effort.